Starting point:
Golnik village. Leave the motorway 'Ljubljana – Jesenice' on exit 'Kranj – zahod' and follow the signposts to Golnik. Once in the village turn right towards 'Bolnišnica Golnik' hospital. Park on a parking lot behind an 'S-shaped' turn by the hospital (around 500 m).
Option 2: You can also shorten the trip if you drive by car to 'Zavetišče V Gozdu' hut: from Golnik continue on the road towards Tržič and look for a signpost for Gozd, which directs you upwards to the right. Park at a large parking lot by 'Zavetišče V Gozdu' hut (around 890 m).
From the parking lot in Golnik go up on an asphalt road by the hospital. Pretty soon a hiking signpost and markings guide you to a meadow on the left. A footpath leads straight up, crosses a road and proceeds towards the forest. The path is shady and often crosses other dirt roads and paths, so you should pay attention to the markings. You come to Gozd village after about an hour and turn right behind the first houses and then take the left road by a Partisan memorial. The markings will direct you to 'Koča Na Kriški Gori' without orientation problems. At the top you will peek out of the forest and a gorgeous view opens for the first time.
After you have tried the local delicacies in the 'Kriška Gora' hut, go down westwards and follow the signposts for Gozd or Križe. Turn left onto an unmarked path just in front of a bench on a steep panoramic meadow. The path is clearly visible throughout; it crosses rather steep slopes at first but then it goes into a forest and gets closer to the path on which you ascended. Turn sharply to the right where you merge with the path of your ascent, then after about 500 m left onto a smaller path and you will reach the dirt road just below 'Zavetišče V Gozdu' hut. Go left along the road, continue past the hut and a church. Behind the church you will spot the path of the ascent and return back to Golnik on the same way
Highest point/summit:
Kriška gora: 1473 m
Golnik - Gozd: 1 h
Gozd - Kriška gora (marked path): 1 h
Kriška gora - Gozd (partially marked path): 1 h
Gozd - Golnik: 45 min
Total: 4 h
2 - The entire trip is technically easy.
Type of path:
Marked path - The described descent from Kriška Gora to Gozd is partially marked.